Snow Days!
Where I live, in the south eastern US we have had pretty mild winters the last few years, finally this year winter has decided to show up again! Its a …
Get guidance for your long distance running goals. Customized training plans tailored just for you. Outside perspective to prevent injuries and train smarter.
At Zenith our priority is not only to help athletes reach their goals, but to encourage growth through scientifically proven training methods and flexibility as we cater training plans to everyday lives. With thousands of miles and adventures between our coaches we want to impart our knowledge and experience to new runners looking to get started, as well as seasoned athletes that want to take their running to the next level. We believe that everyone is an athlete, and with a little organized training, some grit, and good communication new PRs and longer races are within reach.
Our coaches have decades of experience in ultrarunning events as well as general fitness knowledge. Additionally there is a strong background in science based nutrition plans and how nutrition is an integral part of your overall health.
Here is a sampling of the services we offer along with the benefits you can get from signing up with us! Find out about the services we offer and our prices here.
Training calendars to help keep you on track with your goals. Individualized training schedules created by taking all of life’s challenges into consideration.
Outside perspective to identify where the wheels might be coming off. We help runners determine reachable goals and set out road maps for achieving them.
Training and nutrition go hand in hand, and learning how to best fuel your body is important for lifelong health performance. Learn the science behind why and how to eat to best support your training, body composition, and lifelong health goals.
We have years of experience racing most distances and in many parts of the world. We have been through the good, bad, and ugly and use those relatable memories to help runners navigate many aspects of running and racing.
Where I live, in the south eastern US we have had pretty mild winters the last few years, finally this year winter has decided to show up again! Its a …
I like to tease my friend Ryan Yedinsky, relatively new ultra runner, who by trade flies heli- copters for the US Army in dangerous places, like Afghanistan. If you’re not …
New Zealand. My nirvana. A country of friendly, easy-going mates, sheep, mountains, water, trails, fish and chips, Lord of the Rings. But mostly, very good friends and very good people. …
Please fill out this form with a bit about yourself and what your goals are. We look forward to hearing from you and are excited to help you with your goals!